There are a number of spinning composters available but there is one that I recommend above all others. If you have read Achla spinning composter reviews then you will have seen that this is a horizontal model.
This is the exact reason why I think this is the best compost tumbler. The Achla spinning composter reviews that you may have read will rightly state that this is by far the most preferable orientation for a compost tumbler. Allow me to explain.
Many of the models available are vertical. When they begin to get full it can be slightly difficult for slight people to then rotate the drum. But with a horizontal model this is done with ease. Models like the Achla have a simple handle that you turn and this rotates the drum. It is simple to do and takes just a few seconds.
As it is so easy to do this we will find that we get much better compost as we will be more inclined to mix the contents up on a regular basis. We will find that the more we do this spinning the smaller the items in the barrel become. They get churned and broken up very quickly and the smaller the pieces the quicker the compost is then made.
This really is why the Achla is such a good model to buy. It also looks great. This is a high quality compost tumbler at a low price and is one of the best selling compost tumblers on the market at the current time. If you want to be one of those people that makes compost in just a few short weeks then this is definitely the compost tumbler for you. A low price but a quality product. And one that will also not need to be hidden away at the bottom of the garden as it does actually look very good indeed.