When incorporating mirrors into the decor of a room, it is not simply a matter of hanging a large mirror on the wall and hoping for the best. Unless you carefully consider what will be reflected, your room may look larger and brighter, but also cold and sterile. A mirror placed opposite of a window may reflect lots of daylight, but if it catches direct sunlight, the brightness may become blinding.
The idea is to create interest and depth, as well as brightness. Place your mirror to reflect interesting lines and colours of other furniture within the room, or draw attention to a particular area for effect. Add a touch of warmth or elegance by placing flowers in front. Foliage, such as an indoor ivy, allowed to drape itself around the edge of your mirror will create a nostalgic effect, while broad leaved plants partly hiding the mirror create a feeling of mystery. Groups of candles of varying lengths can look stunningly dramatic in daylight, while spreading a warm glow around the room at night. Try amplifying the effect by placing mirrors on more than one wall, creating reflections of reflections. Alternatively, try using several small, differently shaped mirrors in the same area of a wall. A slightly larger Sunburst mirror with several smaller mirrors placed stratetically around it, for example, would create a stunning display.
Even in the bathroom, where mirrors are above all functional, a well placed mirror can create a totally different look. A large mirror reflecting the lines of your walk in shower will add depth and interest to your bathroom. A silver coloured Sunburst mirror to complement the chrome of your taps and fittings, stunning as it is on its own, will add an extra splash of colour as it catches the colours of the curtain on your walk in shower.