If you are redecorating your bathroom or looking for ways to add flair to a small space, why not consider choosing a corner bath tub.
When space is an issue, you can add a bath tub to a corner of your bathroom with a minimal amount of space. You would think that being in a corner would mean less space, but this is not the case. In fact, corner bath tubs are typically bigger than a standard tub.
Aside from saving space, you can use your new bath tub as a focal point in your new design. Since they come in several different colors, it is easy to coordinate with your existing fixtures and because these tubs are made of acrylic, they are lighter in weight making them easy to install. If price is a concern, no worries, the prices are very competitive with the prices of standard size tubs.
One great benefit of a having a tub in the corner is the wide ledges allow room to add decorative shelving where you can add plants, candles, or other accessories to add style to an otherwise boring area. Remember when making your design decisions that adding knick knacks on the shelves may not work well if you plan on adding a shower. Adding a shower means that you have to consider the walls. This can easily be done with tiles to match the tub or waterproof wall panels to keep your bathroom free of moisture build up. A shower door or curtain is also a consideration when pondering your design ideas.
Whether you want to maximize space in a smaller bathroom or create a tranquil oasis with shelves and matching accents for your relaxing pleasure, choosing a corner bath tub is a smart decision that will not break the bank.